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Policy paper
Emergency Tree Plan for the UK
How to increase tree cover and address the nature and climate emergency. We set out key recommendations for the UK's national and local governments.
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Wood Wise – life in deadwood
The autumn 2019 issue of Wood Wise dispels any myths about deadwood and raises awareness of its importance to people and wildlife.
PDF (4.01 MB)
Research briefing
Tree leaves as supplementary feed for ruminant livestock
We look at the value of different species of tree leaves as mineral supplements for livestock. Willow in particular is identified as a potentially valuable source of cobalt and zinc.
PDF (161 KB)
Technical note
How we manage ash dieback on Woodland Trust sites
Ash was once one of the most widespread tree species in Europe. Now it's threatened by ash dieback. Here we explain how we manage ash dieback on our estate.
PDF (133 KB)
Research report
Woodland indicators by parliamentary constituency
A research report comparing parliamentary constituencies on percentage woodland cover, accessible woodland figures and threats to woodland from development.
PDF (2.69 MB)
Position statement
Climate change – the Woodland Trust's position
The Woodland Trust protects and restores woodland, increasing the resilience of natural ecosystems in the face of challenges posed by climate change.
PDF (243 KB)
Position statement
Ash dieback – the Woodland Trust's position
Ash dieback, caused by the non-native invasive fungus Hymenoscyphus fraxineus, presents a major threat to the UK’s treescape on a scale not seen since the Dutch elm disease epidemic of the 1970s.
PDF (333 KB)
Practical guidance
Planners' manual for ancient woodland and veteran trees
Practical guidance for planners on embedding ancient woodland and veteran trees in decision making, recognising their value, and avoiding damage from development.
PDF (3.34 MB)
Wood Wise – iconic oak
The summer 2019 issue of Wood Wise tells the story of oak – of its role in British culture, as a haven for wildlife, and the threats it faces.
PDF (4.47 MB)
Research report
The state of Scotland’s rainforest
A research report by the Atlantic Woodland Alliance reviewing the latest evidence on the condition of and threats to Scotland’s temperate rainforest woodlands.
PDF (3.86 MB)