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Featured publications
Position statement
Urban trees and forests – the Woodland Trust's position
Urban trees provide vital benefits to people and nature, but not everyone has equal access to this critical green infrastructure. Read our views on protecting, restoring and creating urban forests.
PDF (2.01 MB)
Policy paper
Funding nature recovery in England
Creating a healthy, resilient natural environment will require billions of pounds of investment. We outline what needs to happen to fund nature recovery in England.
PDF (1.64 MB)
Report and accounts 2023–2024
Produced annually, our report and accounts summarises our achievements, fundraising activity and expenditure between 1 June 2023 and 31 May 2024. It also outlines our governance, reports back on our environmental impact, and lays out our ambitions for the coming months.
PDF (14.21 MB)
Policy paper
Trees and woods: at the heart of nature recovery in Scotland
This report shows the central role that native woods and trees must play in restoring nature in Scotland, and how the government and local authorities can help.
PDF (3.03 MB)
Report and accounts 2022–2023
Produced annually, our report and accounts summarises our achievements, fundraising activity and expenditure between 1 June 2022 and 31 May 2023. It also outlines our governance, reports back on our environmental impact, and lays out our ambitions for the coming months.
PDF (4.77 MB)
Policy paper
Trees and woods: at the heart of nature recovery in Northern Ireland
This report outlines the critical role that native natural and semi-natural woods and trees must play in restoring nature, and how the government and local authorities can ensure nature’s recovery is embedded in local plans.
PDF (2.58 MB)
Policy paper
Trees and woods: at the heart of nature recovery in Wales
This report shows the central role that native natural and semi-natural woods and trees must play in restoring nature in Wales, and how the government and local authorities can help.
PDF (18.56 MB)
Policy paper
Coed a choedwigoedd: wrth galon adferiad byd natur yng Nghymru
Mae’r adroddiad hwn yn dangos y rôl ganolog y mae’n rhaid i goedwigoedd a choed naturiol a lled-naturiol brodorol ei chwarae wrth adfer natur yng Nghymru, a sut y gall y llywodraeth ac awdurdodau lleol helpu.
PDF (18.60 MB)
Position statement
Trees and peat in the nature and climate crises - the Woodland Trust's view
We're taking steps to ensure we protect and prevent the degradation of valuable peatlands for the climate and nature recovery.
PDF (2.04 MB)
Policy paper
Trees and woods: at the heart of nature recovery in England
This report shows the central role that native natural and semi-natural woods and trees must play in restoring nature, and how the government and local authorities can embed nature's recovery in local plans.
PDF (4.96 MB)
Wood Wise – nature-positive economy
Read the summer 2023 issue of Wood Wise, which explores the new narrative of a nature-positive economy.
PDF (8.89 MB)
Practical guidance
Site Assessment Handbook
This handbook will help you gather information on your site to help you create your own woodland. It guides you through four assessment stages and offers advice on growing the right trees in the right place.
PDF (4.65 MB)
Report and Accounts 2021-2022
Produced annually, our report and accounts summarises our achievements, fundraising activity, and expenditure between 1 June 2021 and 31 May 2022. It also outlines our governance, reports back on our environmental impact, and lays out our ambitions for the coming months.
PDF (4.76 MB)
Practical guidance
Trees for the Crofting Community
Our Croft Woodlands advisory team helps crofters, smallholders, and common grazings to create and manage woodlands that will flourish. Get more information on the project, funding and read case studies showing how trees can benefit your croft.
PDF (1.81 MB)
Wood Wise – nature recovery at scale
Read the autumn 2022 issue of Wood Wise, which explores how we can drive nature recovery on a landscape scale.
PDF (5.81 MB)
Policy paper
Farming for the future: agroforestry benefits for nature and climate
This report assesses the benefits of agroforestry on a large scale on farmland in England. It considers how agroforestry systems are already being deployed, and sets out recommendations on how to increase the number of trees in our agricultural environment and make changes in land use a reality.
PDF (5.19 MB)
Position statement
Forest certification – the Woodland Trust's position
The Woodland Trust practises sustainable forestry and is committed to supporting initiatives which assist others in accessing forest certification.
PDF (395 KB)
Practical guidance
Ancient and veteran trees: An Assessment Guide
This guide describes our approach to conserving veteran trees, wherever they are. Covering a series of steps that you can follow as an adviser, advocate, landowner, or manager.
PDF (4.82 MB)
Practical guidance
Integrating trees on farms and crofts in Scotland
It's time to manage land in a way that addresses ambitious targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Agroforestry and woodland expansion projects in Scotland are key for integrating tree cover and agricultural land to complement farming systems, including crofting.
PDF (1.38 MB)
Wood Wise – trees for water
Read the spring 2022 issue of Wood Wise, which explores the relationship between trees and water.
PDF (4.90 MB)