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Case study
Keeping their cool - improving water quality with trees
A case study from Wessex demonstrating how the planting of trees can reduce pollution, slow surface run-off and provide shade to cool rivers and streams.
PDF (663 KB)
Case study
Restoring riverbanks with trees in Cumbria
Planting trees can stabilise riverbanks, slow flood water and reduce future flooding. We worked with landowners along the River Derwent to do just that.
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Wood Wise – citizen science
The spring 2015 issue of Wood Wise looks at citizen science – projects that mobilise the general public for scientific knowledge gathering.
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Practical guidance
The role of trees in arable farming
Native trees and hedges on arable farms can improve productivity and landscape resilience, increase product diversity, and provide environmental value.
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Case study
Pearls of wisdom - tree planting to improve water quality
Pearls of wisdom: a case study demonstrating the improved water quality and freshwater mussel habitat achieved by strategic tree planting and bank stabilisation on the River Clun.
PDF (692 KB)
Wood Wise – natural and cultural heritage
The winter 2015 issue of Wood Wise explores the importance of protecting heritage features and the conflicts that can arise between trees and archaeology.
PDF (8.66 MB)
Case study
Trees mean better business for egg production
The CEO of a free range egg producer advocates tree planting as an active part of farm management for the commercial and welfare benefits they deliver.
PDF (704 KB)
Case study
Tree shelter boosts lamb survival rate in sheep farming
Planting trees as shelter for livestock on upland farms can protect animals from harsh weather, improving welfare and reducing lamb mortality.
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Wood Wise – birds in focus
The autumn 2014 issue of Wood Wise focuses on woodland birds, the threats they face and how habitat creation can boost declining populations.
PDF (5.67 MB)
Position statement
Ancient woodland and translocation – the Trust's position
The Woodland Trust reject suggestions that translocation of material from ancient woodland can mitigate loss, damage or destruction of this important habitat.
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