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How to pay in funds raised
Finished your fundraising and ready to send in what you've raised? Find out how to get it to us.
For more advice on fundraising, getting the proceeds to us and how we spend your money, read our FAQs.
You must have a licence or permit from your local authority or police if you would like to hold a street collection, house-to-house collection or any other collection in a public place.
If your raffle or draw is held within a 24 hour period, is in one venue and is part of another event, you can use cloakroom tickets. Tickets should never be sold for more than £1 each. If it lasts longer than 24 hours a local lottery licence and raffle licence will be needed.
If you are organising an event then please ensure you identify any potential accidents or hazards by completing a risk assessment. You may also need first aiders.
If you are producing any publicity material about us then please include our registered charity number.
In England and Wales: Registered charity number 294344.
In Scotland: Registered charity number SC038885.
The Woodland Trust is unable to accept any responsibility for anything that may happen to people or property as a result of your fundraising activity. If you are planning an event that involves the public you must get public liability insurance. If you are holding an event in a place that has public liability insurance, just check the cover with them before you begin.
When fundraising in aid of the Woodland Trust, you agree to comply with our terms and conditions.
For extra support on making the most of your fundraising event, contact our friendly team on 0330 333 3300, or email challenge@woodlandtrust.org.uk.
Support us
Finished your fundraising and ready to send in what you've raised? Find out how to get it to us.
Support us
From bunting to posters, sponsorship forms to money boxes, we’ve got everything you need to get started.
Support us
Follow our tips or use our ready-made wording to promote your fundraiser on social media or with local press.