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What are you planting?

The trees in the giveaway are either crab apple, wild cherry, sessile oak, alder or downy birch.

How to plant your trees

How to plant your tree in five easy steps.

What you'll need

  • Your tree
  • Spade
  • Stake or cane to support your tree (optional)
  • Bucket or watering can
  1. Using a spade, dig a hole several centimetres wider and deeper than the trees’ roots.
  2. Place the tree in the hole and ensure that the top of the root plug is around 2cm below ground level.
  3. Holding the tree upright, backfill the hole with soil so that its roots are completely covered. Firm the top layer of soil around the base of the tree with your heel.
  4. If you want to give your tree extra support, push a cane or stake in the ground next to the tree (take care not to damage its roots) and tie the tree to the support.
  5. Water your newly planted tree.
When to plant?

Plant your saplings as soon as you can, but don't worry if you can't do it straight away. Your saplings can be stored for several weeks. Just lightly spray the roots with water and store them upright either outside or in a cool garage or shed away from frost and wind. Check weekly to ensure they don’t dry out.

How to care for your trees

Once your trees are in the ground it’s important to care for them to help them thrive, particularly in the first few years.


Weeding is the most important step in giving your trees the right start. Keeping a one metre diameter around the tree clear of weeds and grass for the first two to three years will reduce competition for moisture and nutrients.

You can suppress weeds with mulch, such as bark chips or straw. Apply a thick layer around the base of the tree and top it up each year.


Your trees should adapt to the natural conditions of your site so watering shouldn’t be necessary; especially as it can encourage the roots to grow towards the soil surface rather than down towards groundwater. If there’s a particularly long dry spell and you feel watering is essential, saturate the ground thoroughly to ensure that the water soaks deep into the soil.

Enjoy your trees

Enjoy watching your tree grow and flourish for many seasons to come.