
Our MOREhedges scheme includes saplings, advice and funding for new hedging projects of 100 metres or more.

Credit: John MacPherson / WTML
Credit: John MacPherson / WTML

Hedgerows are vital features in our landscape, providing an essential wildlife refuge, cleaning the air, capturing carbon and reducing flooding. If you’re looking to plant hedges on your land, our MOREhedges scheme can provide the trees, funding and expert advice you need to achieve your goals.

How the scheme works

Our MOREhedges scheme can cover up to 75% of the cost if you plant 100 metres or more of new hedging and allow a large tree to grow every six metres. We'll provide the trees, tree protection and expert advice to make your project a success.


MOREhedges is designed to create new ecological links with woodland in the surrounding landscape. It is not suitable for replanting or gapping up existing hedgerows. At least 100 metres of hedging must be planted in a single run and connect with:

  • at least 0.2 hectares of existing or newly planted woodland (0.1ha in Scotland), or
  • woodland via established hedgerows within 500m of the new hedge.

See the evidence


landowners supported to plant with MOREhedges since 2014


hedgerows planted through the scheme

Create new hedgerows with MOREhedges

Our MOREhedges scheme offers advice, trees for your project and potential for financial support.

Apply now

MOREhedges is funded by Lloyds Bank to support sustainable farming.

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