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Protecting trees and woods
HS2 rail link
HS2 is a grave threat to the UK’s ancient woods and veteran trees, with many at risk of loss or damage. We can’t let this happen.
Protecting trees and woods
HS2 community resources
Take a look through our downloads to get up to speed with the effects of HS2. It's not just the trees, but the precious surrounding habitats that will be damaged.
Trees woods and wildlife
Why bats need woods and trees
The UK is home to 18 species of bats, all of which are protected by law. This protection extends to their breeding and resting places. Hedgerows, tree lines and watercourses are important to the roosting, foraging and navigation needs of bats.
Protecting trees and woods
Campaign with us
Our woods and trees can't speak for themselves. Together we can stand up for the environment and safeguard the UK's woodland heritage for our future.
Protecting trees and woods
Campaigns news archive
Explore the highlights of our major campaigns and success stories from the last few years.
Press centre
Woodland Trust report: £1 billion to save England’s 'forgotten woods and wildlife'
The Woodland Trust has produced and costed a £1 billion five-year plan to rescue nature in England’s threatened ancient woods.
Trees woods and wildlife
Ancient woodland
Home to myth and legend, where folk tales began. It fuelled our ancestors and still houses thousands of species. Ancient woodland has grown and adapted with native wildlife, yet what remains only covers 2.5% of the UK.
Protecting trees and woods
Kent quarry extension is one of the biggest threats of the 21st century
Having destroyed 32ha of ancient wood in 2013, new quarry plans threaten at least another 50ha.
Protecting trees and woods
Protect ancient woodland
One of the UK’s most important wildlife habitats is disappearing before our eyes.
About us
We're fighting to stop HS2 from destroying irreplaceable ancient woodland. We're helping youngsters create the first Young People's Forest. And we care for 800 sites across England, from wildlife-rich native woods to tranquil urban oases.