Plant trees
Types of woodland management
A detailed look at how and when to carry out the techniques of coppicing, pollarding, formative pruning and thinning.
Establishing naturally functioning, wildlife-rich woods and trees takes years. Learn about the observations and actions needed to encourage the process and maintain a successful wood.
Looking after woods and trees on your land can boost their benefits for wildlife, the environment and your business. By growing your woodland effectively, you can harvest a sustainable source of firewood, timber and coppice products, enhance the wood’s value for wildlife and increase the resilience of the landscape in the face of threats like pests, diseases and climate change.
In most cases a licence from the Forestry Commission is required to perform felling operations. However, you don't need a licence to:
Here are the main tasks and considerations for each stage of your wood's lifetime.
When working in the woods, always be mindful of wildlife like nesting birds, bats, dormice and other animals and take care not to damage other woodland plants. Beware of soil erosion and run-off if the work causes any ground disturbance.
Make sure everyone involved in maintaining the space knows where trees are planted to avoid mowing or accidental damage.
Some loss should be expected on most sites, especially if you’ve chosen not to use tree protection or fencing. Base decisions to replace lost trees (usually within the first 2-3 years) on observation of the site, and take care not to use unnecessary resources replanting areas which seem unsuitable. Accepting some loss will contribute to a structurally diverse and interesting woodland.
If you’ve chosen to use individual tree guards, check them regularly in the first few years. Strong winds can blow trees over so make sure guards, canes or stakes are upright and pushed firmly into the soil. Pull up any grass growing inside the guard and carefully replace the guard. Check tree stems and guards for animal damage too. Keeping tree guards firmly pressed into the soil and a weed-free area around your trees will help.
Weeding is the most important step in giving your trees the right start. Keep a 1 metre diameter around the tree clear of weeds and grass for the first 2-3 years to reduce competition for moisture and nutrients. You can suppress weeds with mulch, such as bark chips or straw bales. Apply to a depth of around 10cm to prevent it being blown away or dispersed and top it up annually. You can also buy mulch mats and peg them into the ground to keep them in place. We recommend using alternative methods of vegetation control and avoiding herbicides wherever possible, especially near semi-natural habitats or where people use the site often. If you think there is no alternative, follow best practice guidelines using trained operators.
Regular mowing is not advised as it invigorates grass growth and increases competition for moisture. If you do want to mow, take care to avoid damaging the trees and guards.
Your trees will adapt to conditions at your site so watering shouldn’t be necessary, but if there’s a particularly long dry spell and you feel it’s necessary, saturate the ground thoroughly to make sure water soaks deep into the soil.
Depending on species, a variety of common diseases may affect your trees, but they rarely kill young ones. A cold winter may cause frost damage but trees should recover. Our blog covers common disease symptoms but if concerned, do get in touch with us for advice.
If you’ve used it, remove individual tree protection as soon as trees are well established and beyond the reach of most herbivores. Protection can start to split and disintegrate after 5-10 years and may hamper growth beyond this point if not removed. A Stanley knife with a hooked carpet fitter’s blade is the best tool for opening tubes without damaging trees. Remove the tubes in the summer to allow the bark to toughen while animals like rabbits have plenty of grass to eat.
After removing, re-use or recycle your guards wherever possible. Responsible disposal is vital to protect wildlife and the environment. Check with your local authority or contact a recycling specialist.
Woodlands are much more than groups of trees. Think about the wider communities of flora, fungi and fauna which may make a home in your developing woodland ecosystem. Many will arrive naturally, but some can need a bit of help. Consider adding nest boxes for birds, bats, and small mammals. Create a pond, or plant a mix of grasses and wildflowers in an open area. Remember that open spaces need managing to keep them clear.
Small-scale re-spacing interventions may be appropriate early in the establishment phase. For example, consider cutting to give space for selected trees such as oak or rowan among a thicket of birch (which tends to grow faster). This intervention can help promote tree species diversity.
Read our detailed advice on how and when to carry out coppicing, pollarding, formative pruning and thinning.
General tree safety guidance is available from the National Tree Safety Group. If you have specific concerns, consult a professional arboriculturist in the first instance. Find qualified consultants and tree surgeons at the Arboricultural Association.
Most thinning and coppicing should be considered around years 10–15. These interventions should aim to promote diversity in stem density, stem diameter, tree form and growth rate. This will set the site on a trajectory towards the structural complexity characteristic of old-growth woodland. You can also start formative pruning and trees will be tall enough to consider pollarding.
Decaying wood contributes considerably to the richness of wooded habitats. Always take opportunities to retain cut woody material. Log piles provide habitat for species such as voles, mice, hedgehogs, newts, frogs and molluscs. Leave stacks or piles directly on the ground, in dappled shade and compacted to maintain humidity.
Large old trees are the keystone ‘megaflora’ of wooded ecosystems, providing unique structures and microhabitats not offered by younger, smaller trees. We shouldn’t rush to create features of older wooded habitats in young developing woodland, but supporting the development of future veteran trees and associated microhabitats is important for nature recovery. Ensuring crown space around a several individual trees can help larger elite trees to develop and contribute to structural complexity.
Open wooded habitats, glade components and transitional zones are dynamic systems which can incorporate elements of scrub, more open grassland, heathland or wetland vegetation. Maintain them through prescribed and planned mechanical cutting or animal grazing.
If you are managing the wood for good quality timber, start a programme of thinning and formative pruning once the canopy has closed and trees start competing for space. This will give the stronger trees chance to thrive. Watch out for squirrel damage – bark stripping can seriously damage young trees and impact timber quality. Thin-barked species are most susceptible, including beech, oak, hornbeam, sycamore and sweet chestnut.
A woodland made up of trees of various ages and sizes with a good shrub layer and rich ground flora will now be providing perfect habitat for a wide variety of wildlife and a sustainable source of income. Selected quality timber trees can be removed every few years, making space for natural regeneration that will help secure your beautiful, wooded landscape for generations to come.
For an overview of the expected quality of new and existing woodland in the UK, we recommend consulting the UK’s Forestry Practice guides.
For long term woodland management, visit:
Please note some information may be outdated.
For funding for woodland management, visit: