Protecting trees and woods
Neighbourhood planning
Woods and trees can help make your community a healthier, wealthier and happier place to live and work.
We've had a number of high profile achievements within central government. We've also seen notable successes working with local authorities to improve regional policies, delivery and development plans.
With the help of our passionate supporters and expert staff, we've been able to influence a number of high profile decisions that directly affect woods and trees.
Street tree consultations
Influenced policy which means councils are now duty bound to consult the public on street tree removal.
Ancient Woodland Inventory
Secured government funding to update the Ancient Woodland Inventory, more accurately identifying ancient woodland sites across England.
National Planning Policy Framework
Convinced government to update the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) to include stronger protections for ancient woodlands and veteran trees.
Northern Forest
Obtained Government support and financial backing for the Northern Forest project, planting 50 million trees across the north of England.
We work with city and borough councils across the UK to improve regional policies, delivery and development plans, all to benefit trees, wildlife and people. We offer free trees, expert advice and access to grants, and councils are doing great things as a result.
Almost 130 councils across the UK have heeded a Woodland Trust call to put trees at the heart of their climate crisis response. We're working closely with a number of them to put policy into practice.
If we can provide support to your city or borough council, contact us at governmentaffairs@woodlandtrust.org.uk.
Protecting trees and woods
Woods and trees can help make your community a healthier, wealthier and happier place to live and work.
Practical guidance
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Practical guidance
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