
1.50 ha (3.71 acres)

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The Mab Lane Community Woodland was planted on a former playing field at Mab lane and Croxdale Road West in Liverpool. It was created as part of Liverpool's capital of culture year in 2008 and designed as a long lasting community asset for everyone to enjoy. The local community helped to create this woodland with partnerships involving the Forestry Commission, Mersey forest, NWDA, Social Landlord Riverside, Liverpool City Council and BIG lottery. It was named as the Neighbourhood Improvement Project of the Year in May 2011. The creation of this woodland has provided a green space for the local community and has increased the usage of this site, it forms part of the larger Mersey Forest initiative which has been increasing the amount of woodland and green spaces across Cheshire and Merseyside for over 20 years. The woodland now has a network of native trees, wildflower meadows a community orchard as well as seasonal wetland areas and footpaths. Local school children working with the artist John Merrill have designed sculptures which embellish the site.