So, why do we need trees? It’s a good question and perhaps not as obvious as you’d think. Trees are crucial for humans and the natural environment and how important they are to our everyday lives.

UK forests currently cover 12% of our land area. This is very low compared to some of our European neighbours. For example, France and Germany have forest cover of 29% and 32% respectively. Of Europe’s total land area, forest cover makes up 47%. The UK is seriously lagging behind and must improve.

It’s clear that trees provide wonderful benefits for both humans and the natural environment. Trees are the lungs of our cities. They’re the homes for our wildlife. They’re our guardians against flooding. Trees are vital to so many aspects of our life.

Without further ado, let’s explore some of the reasons why we need trees.

To breathe

Our earth has an amazing ability to maintain a natural balance and trees are a central component of this. Trees are able to remove excess carbon dioxide (CO2) from our atmosphere and convert it into oxygen (O2) via a process called photosynthesis. They take in CO2 and water and when combined with suitable light conditions, they produce glucose, and oxygen that is then released into the atmosphere. They are vital in ensuring that our atmosphere remains oxygen-rich.

To combat climate change

Global warming is heavily linked to increasing levels of CO2. When CO2 builds up in the atmosphere it creates a ‘greenhouse effect’. This is where CO2 traps heat from the sun, creating a warmer climate.

The earth has always followed natural cycles of climate change, but we now know from geological records that increasing CO2 levels are the biggest influence.

In this current period of climate change, the main driver for increasing CO2 is human activity. As trees specialise in removing excess CO2 from our atmosphere there has never been a more important time to plant more and protect what we have.

Climate change

Climate change

Our message is clear: native woods and trees are one of the best ways to tackle the climate crisis. Explore the facts and find out what you can do to help.

What we're doing

To improve our health and clean our air

Trees are effective air filters. Some species, such as the London plane, are particularly resistant to air pollution and can help filter harmful pollutants by trapping them on their leaves and bark. That’s why London plane trees line many city streets across the world.

The benefits of trees and woods on our mental and physical health are well-documented. As well as improving air quality they provide a space for people to relax and exercise, which helps cast off mental fatigue and improve memory and cognitive function.

Trees woods and wildlife

Why woods are good for our health and wellbeing

Along with improving our quality of life, woods and green spaces can help make us physically and mentally healthier. 

Explore the evidence

To provide for wildlife

Trees provide crucial habitat for much of the UK’s wildlife. Whether it’s for birds nesting in their canopies, small mammals making their homes in the root systems, or bats roosting in their trunks, they provide a whole host of opportunity.

Oak trees are one of the UK’s best known species. Their value for wildlife is huge – oaks have been found to support over 280 species of insects, which in turn provide food for many birds and other predators.

Trees woods and wildlife

Woodland wildlife

The UK's native woods and trees support a great diversity of living organisms. Our species guides explore the wildlife that depends on woodland, from plants and fungi to mammals, birds, bees and beetles.

Discover woodland species

To shelter and shade

Whether it’s in the heat of summer or the frost of winter, trees provide vital shade and shelter for both humans and animals. When it’s hot, trees in our cities shade our streets and release water vapour into the air through their leaves. Farmers also recognise the importance of trees in keeping their livestock sheltered from cold, hot or windy conditions.

Plant trees

Agroforestry benefits farming, nature and climate

Integrating trees in arable crops and livestock systems makes agroforestry a win-win for sustainable food production and the natural environment.

Discover the benefits of agroforestry

To prevent flooding

Trees have been shown to be useful as flood defences too. When situated near rivers and streams they massively reduce the amount of rainwater entering watercourses. In turn, this reduces the likeliness of rivers bursting their banks and flooding low-lying areas.

Trees also provide the added benefit of preventing soil erosion and protecting our watercourses from harmful pollution in run-off.

Trees woods and wildlife

Can woods and trees reduce flooding?

Trees and woods play a vital role in reducing flooding by slowing down the flow of rainwater, absorbing rainwater, and reducing erosion.

Find out how

Buy British trees from our shop

We have single trees and tree packs to meet your needs, from wildlife to woodfuel. Delivery is free.

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Discover more about British trees and why they're important